Wichita Falls ISD has updated their graduation ceremony dates after Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA-21 stating that outdoor graduation ceremonies may take place in any county on or after June 1. Click here for the updated plan.… MORE

Wichita Falls ISD has updated their graduation ceremony dates after Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA-21 stating that outdoor graduation ceremonies may take place in any county on or after June 1. Click here for the updated plan.… MORE
Wichita Falls ISD has announced the dates and times for this year’s graduation ceremonies. All ceremonies will be held at Memorial Stadium on three separate days with social distancing guidelines in place. Click here for dates and times.… MORE
As businesses reopen and many return to work, the Texas Workforce Commission has issued new guidelines. “If an employer is ready to open up and they start calling their workers back there are some exceptions that may be made for people that are of the high-risk groups,” Kendra Ball, business and outreach manager for Workforce…… MORE
The Food Truck Championship of Texas has been canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. The event was originally scheduled to take place on June 6 in Graham. Read the rest of the story here… MORE
United Supermarkets, Market Street, Amigos, United Express and Albertsons Market will all return to regular store hours starting May 1. Read more about United’s return to regular business hours, enhanced sanitation measures and other restrictions here. .… MORE
With Governor Abbott’s newest executive order, many businesses can begin to reopen on Friday, with capacity limited to 25% and social distancing rules in place, but some can’t make the jump back immediately. “We’re going to ease back into a schedule of Wednesday through Saturday next week, utilizing the drive-through, we’ll have some minimal retail…… MORE
United Regional resumed elective surgeries Wednesday. All non-essential surgeries had been postponed since the end of last month but now doctors at United Regional are gearing up to do them again while still keeping themselves and their patients safe from COVID-19. More information about this story can be found here.… MORE
Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday said he will let the state’s stay-at-home order expire at the end of the month and allow businesses to begin reopening in phases starting Friday, the latest ramp-up in his push to restart the Texas economy amid the coronavirus pandemic. First to open on Friday: retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters…… MORE
A contractor mishap led to 74,000 gallons of untreated sewage spilling into Holliday Creek in Wichita Falls over the weekend. More details on this story can be found here.… MORE
Here are the current numbers for people tested for coronavirus in Wichita County, including the positive, negative and pending results, according to the The Wichita Falls – Wichita County Public Health District. Click here to see the current numbers.… MORE