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Category Archives: Local News

National Guard Evaluates Kay Yeager Coliseum As Possible Healthcare Facility

National Guard Evaluates Kay Yeager Coliseum As Possible Healthcare Facility

National Guard soldiers assigned to the 176th Engineer Brigade have conducted an engineering assessment of Kay Yeager Coliseum. They are evaluating non-medical buildings in hopes of converting them into alternative healthcare facilities as part of an effort to combat the spread of COVID-19. This is one of many sites being evaluated by the National Guard.…MORE

Governor Abbott Temporarily Closes State Parks

Governor Abbott Temporarily Closes State Parks

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has ordered the closure of all state parks and historic sites as part of the state’s efforts to strengthen social distancing practices. More details about the closure can be found here.MORE

Interfaith Outreach Services Giving Out Food To Families In Need

Interfaith Outreach Services Giving Out Food To Families In Need

Interfaith Outreach Services is giving out food to families in need including peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, canned goods, and cereal. Normally Interfaith says they give out a maximum of 2,000 pounds of food each month, but right now they’re giving that much out every week. Best of all during this time of social distancing, the…MORE

Resources For Parents With Children During Covid-19

Resources For Parents With Children During Covid-19

The Wichita Falls Non-Profit Leaders COVID-19 Task Force has made some resource recommendations for parents with children during the coronavirus outbreak. One of the Task Force’s concerns is the possible increase in child abuse during this stressful crisis. Resources to help parents during this time of social distancing can be found here.MORE

Wichita Falls Area Food Bank To Distribute Kid’s Cafe Meals

Wichita Falls Area Food Bank To Distribute Kid’s Cafe Meals

The Wichita Falls Area Food Bank will be distributing grab and go Kid’s Cafe meals at two locations in Wichita Falls starting next Tuesday. The meals will only be given out to children aged 1-18 years old and they can be picked up by walking or driving up to pick up sites. There is a…MORE

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