Category Archives: Local News

Citizens React To Proposed New MPEC Hotel

Citizens React To Proposed New MPEC Hotel

Last week funds were approved by the 4B board to build a new hotel in the middle of the MPEC parking lot in Wichita Falls.. The goal is to attract more conventions to come to Wichita Falls, thus bringing more tourist dollars. Not everyone thinks a hotel is a good move for the city. What…MORE

10 Propositions Are On The Ballot Across Texas

10 Propositions Are On The Ballot Across Texas

Today is Election Day and 10 Propositions are on the ballot across Texas. Click here to read and educate yourself before going to the polls to vote. Not sure where to go vote? Here are polling locations across Texoma and each is open til 7pm. Box 1: Martin Luther King Center – 1100 Smith St.,…MORE

Clay County Officials Issue Burn Ban

Clay County Officials Issue Burn Ban

On Monday October 28 the Commissioners’ Court of Clay County issued a 30-day burn ban for the County. The order is in effect for 30 days from October 28, meaning unless it is removed early, it will expire on November 27. There are a couple of exceptions to the burn ban. Get more information here.MORE

Wichita Falls Ranks Lowest In Texas For Life Expectancy

Wichita Falls Ranks Lowest In Texas For Life Expectancy

North Texas areas included in the lowest life expectancies include a portion of downtown Wichita Falls and Fort Worth. The life expectancy is low for several reasons, such as environmental factors, crime, and nutrition. “We have always known that premature death here is an issue it really is an issue and we say that every…MORE

WFPD Gets New Citation System

WFPD Gets New Citation System

Thanks to some freed up money in the budget, The Wichita Falls Police Department is getting a brand new ticketing system called Brazos E-Citation. It’s part of a larger public safety and dispatch system upgrade that began in 2018, costing over a million dollars. City officials say it eliminates unnecessary trips during a traffic stop…MORE

Speed Limit Changes Along Hwy 79 In Clay County Take Effect Today

Speed Limit Changes Along Hwy 79 In Clay County Take Effect Today

The Texas Department of Transportation announced last week that there will be speed limit changes along Hwy 79. They received approval to move forward with changing the speed limit to 70 MPH from FM 3393 to just South of Dean, Texas. Read more about the speed limit change here.  MORE

Proposed Hotel Tax Would Pay For MPEC Improvements

Proposed Hotel Tax Would Pay For MPEC Improvements

It’s almost election day in Wichita Falls and one of the things on the ballot would bring some much needed help to the MPEC and Memorial Auditorium. The hotel motel tax is the tax paid to the city when someone stays in a hotel in Wichita Falls. If a two percent increase is approved by…MORE

Wichita County Veterans Service Office Reopens

Wichita County Veterans Service Office Reopens

The Wichita County Veterans Support Office has dealt with staffing shortages and reduced hours of operation for years. But now, they’ve got a full-time staff that can better serve veterans in the county. “The idea is to get people on the path to go through the Veterans Administration to succeed in getting their claim through,”…MORE

The New Grand Hotel Working To Reopen

The New Grand Hotel Working To Reopen

The owner of The New Grand Hotel on Broad Street is working on reopening their doors. For the last three years, they have been closed but maintaining the building. “We are planning on keeping the atrium areas as hospitality for the time being. The exterior part of the building we are going to turn into…MORE

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