Category Archives: Local News

WF Transportation Department Making Progress Towards New Facility

WF Transportation Department Making Progress Towards New Facility

A year after receiving over $10 million in grants, the Wichita Falls Transportation Department is making progress towards building a new maintenance facility. The building where the department currently sits is old, with gaps, cracks and leaks. Get the complete story about the new facility here.MORE

Artwalk Will Return In November

Artwalk Will Return In November

The After Hours Artwalk will make a special comeback for November. If you plan on participating in Artwalk, downtown officials recommend vendors bring a battery or solar powered lights for their displays. More information can be found here.  MORE

WFISD Food Service Members Encourage Use Of Local Produce

WFISD Food Service Members Encourage Use Of Local Produce

It’s Farm to School Month and WFISD was at the Downtown Farmers Market on Saturday, Oct. 5 to celebrate by highlighting the use of fresh fruits and vegetables within the schools. Emily Kincaid, Chartwells K12 Marketing Specialist and Food Service for WFISD, said “There’s three things we’re trying to accomplish with this. The first is…MORE

WFISD Tiny House Sells At Auction

WFISD Tiny House Sells At Auction

A year and a half of work and a dream WFISD teacher Scott Little had for more than ten years, was auctioned off today to the highest bidder over the phone. It took a while, he said, for Little to convince district officials that an entirely student-built house was needed. For him, though, he says…MORE

James Frank To Seek Reelection

James Frank To Seek Reelection

A hat in the ring for one race but not for another when it comes to State Representative James Frank. The District 69 Republican has announced that he will run again for his seat in the state legislature. More on Frank’s reelection efforts here.MORE

MSU Partners With USGS For New Water Science Center

MSU Partners With USGS For New Water Science Center

MSU Texas and the United States Geological Survey are teaming up to bring an Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center to campus. It will be one of nine locations in the Lone Star State that focuses on studying the quantity and quality of available water resources. College administrators feel Wichita Falls is the perfect place for this…MORE

Art And Soul Finale Pairs With Last Artwalk Of 2019 Season

Art And Soul Finale Pairs With Last Artwalk Of 2019 Season

Thursday, October 3 was the send-off of the last Art and Soul Festival ever and the last After Hours Artwalk of the 2019 season. Hundreds of vendors flocked to the streets of Downtown Wichita Falls and the Farmer’s Market to say a last goodbye to the Art and Soul Festival, which ended on it’s fifth…MORE

IDEA WF Announces Award Winners

IDEA WF Announces Award Winners

The winners of the IDEA WF awards are Wichita Valley Pet Cremation, Horseshoe Bend Cellars Vineyard & Winery and Endunamoo Strength & Conditioning. Each winner started off with an idea in hopes of winning the annual competition that supports entrepreneurs looking to grow and develop their businesses. More about the IDEA WF Awards can be found hereMORE

Thornberry Addresses Retirement, More In Wichita Falls

Thornberry Addresses Retirement, More In Wichita Falls

After announcing his retirement from office in 2021, the first question from many to Representative Mac Thornberry is why. He said it’s a combination of his age and terms. He’s been able to get a lot accomplished in 25 years of service, and won’t be able to serve on the armed services committee as chairman…MORE

WFISD Updated Tax Rate Passes Unanimously

WFISD Updated Tax Rate Passes Unanimously

WFISD pushed the time to the limit by moving the vote on the tax rate to it’s deadline date, Monday September 30. Read more about the new tax rate here.MORE

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